From shore to shining sea

Now that I’ve made a decision to return to the sea, there’s quite a lot to do. Life on land tends to accrete – I’m not a consumer, but, the space available on land tends to allow for options… If you like playing guitar, then maybe you want a few guitars to fit your mood. If you like adventure sports, maybe you need a whole set of ski gear, a whole set of rock climbing gear… and a whole set of whitewater kayaking gear. And, let’s face it, if there’s even an off chance you’ll want to use them in the future, the storage cost (an ample garage/attic/basement) makes it worth just holding on to.

So here I’ll chronicle the steps I must take to make this thing happen. Of course, I must find a boat, and a way to pay for it, but, along the way I’ll need to make a thousand decisions and a each of them may take a dozen steps, so, I’ll blog along here as I prepare for the big recurve back to life on and around the oceans – hope you stick around!

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